Each test participant receives a quiz with a total of 33 questions, for which they have 60 minutes. The test is passed if at least 15 out of 33 questions are answered correctly. In order to serve as proof of naturalization, 17 out of 33 questions must be answered correctly. (§ 10 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 7 StAG)
Preparation for the test is part of the orientation course. You can also complete the quiz interactively in the online test center of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
If you pass the DTZ language test at level B1 and the "Leben in Deutschland" test, you will receive the "Zertifikat Integrationskurs" from the BAMF.
We are a provider of integration courses and professional language courses approved by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge). Through the Federal Government's Gesamtprogramm Sprache (GPS) you have the opportunity to acquire German language skills to successfully manage your everyday life in Germany and improve your chances on the job and training market.
We offer general integration courses up to language level B1, youth integration courses for young people (under 27), and intensive courses with a particularly fast learning pace. In professional language courses (B2/C1/C2) you will expand your language skills that you need for your job and everyday life in Germany. Special professional language courses are aimed at specific professional groups.
All these courses are supported by public funds. Please refer to the course descriptions to find out how high your own contribution is. Our language courses meet the highest standards and are certified by the "Gütesiegelverbund Weiterbildung".
Consultation hours
For a detailed consultation and registration, please come personally to our institute during consultation hours. Please call to make an appointment with us: +49 211 566 22-0
Contact persons
Kirsten Bieber

Svetlana Senin

Team leader administration of Integration & funded courses integration(at)iik-duesseldorf.deFatima Mohjazi-Metzler

Melanie Elmo

René Eßer