Many disabled people are fully engaged in life and find it difficult to access services that do not take their needs into account. IIK strives to provide all test candidates with the same opportunities when taking the test, so our locations are handicapped accessible whenever possible. At the campus of the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf, the IIK Test Center can accommodate candidates with various physical disabilities and ensure a disability-friendly testing environment. A room (Building 23.21., Room 00.87) is available for this purpose in the Faculty of Philosophy at HHU Düsseldorf.
The room is of course accessible for the disabled.
For TOEFL tests: ETS posts registration information for them at the following website: http://www.ets.org
IIK offers a free campus pick-up service, for example from the nearest public bus stop.
To take a TOEFL test under your specific conditions, please contact ETS. In addition, please inform the IIK test center. We will additionally contact ETS to expedite the process. Please take into account that your registration and preparation may take several months!