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Train the Trainer

Certified Basic Workshop in English or German Language.

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Train the Trainer: Description

The demands on trainers in adult education have changed considerably in recent years. The trainer is no longer a mere mediator of specialist knowledge but is seen more as a learning companion. Professional competence is on equal footing with personal, social and methodological skills in order to meet the quality requirements. The range of tasks includes organisation and pedagogy, the evaluation of educational measures as well as the continuous development of one's own potential and experience.

Content of Train the Trainer Workshop

Questions raised on the way to becoming a trainer
  • What competencies must a trainer possess and what challenges must he or she face?
  • What didactic know-how does a trainer need to convey specialist knowledge in an understandable and interesting way?
  • What methods are effective in manifesting knowledge long-term and guaranteeing transfer into practice?
  • How do you design a successful training course and what types of media are required?
  • How is individual learning made possible and what are the prerequisites for learning in the group? How can the trainer accompany personal development processes?
  • What will the training landscape look like in the future?
  • In other words: What does the trainer‘s trade look like? What tools can he or she use to design training offerings with a personal signature and lead it to great learning success?

Based on these questions, a concept has been created that enables prospective trainers to acquire sound basic trainer knowledge in 5 days. The Institute for International Communication e.V. (IIK Düsseldorf) is a spin-off of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHUD). Since 2002, the IIK has successfully offered train-the-trainer courses in German. The original curriculum was developed by Prof. Schwarzer and Dr. Koblitz at the Institute of Educational Science of HHUD. Since 2010, the IIK has also conducted the train-the-trainer workshops with freelance trainers and has continuously developed the seminar concept and adapted it to the new requirements of the training profession. In 2014, an English-language Train-the-Trainer course was offered at the IIK for the first time. In this way, the IIK aims to meet the growing demand from international participants and also to live up to its further education claim as an „Institut für Internationale Kommunikation“.

Course Content
Personality, Competencies, Skills
  • Trainer personality
  • Requirements – expectations – roles
  • Competencies – skills – styles
  • Body language and basic principles of communication
  • The inner attitude
  • Presenting in front of groups
Psychology of Learning, Learning Behavior, Learning Objectives
  • Psychologies of learning
  • Adult learning
  • Participant orientation
  • Learning behavior and learning needs of adults
  • Formulating learning objectives
  • Promoting self-determined learning
Moderation, Methodology Toolbox
  • Moderation techniques
  • In a nutshell: theme-centred interaction, neuro-linguistic programming, transactional analysis, the systemic approach
  • Games in training
  • Memory exercises for the training
Facilitator's Case, Visualization, Presentation
  • Online moderation: trainer skills for e-trainings
  • Facilitation case flipchart – Metaplan wall – Black-/Whiteboard Laptop and Beamer
Optimal seminar design
Structure, Clarification and Needs Assessment
  • Educational order clarification and needs assessment
  • Defining learning goals
  • Training structure and phases: from preparation to transfer/li>
  • Media mix
  • Facilitator's Guide
  • Training reality
  • Challenging situations: "difficult" participants - detecting group dynamics
Educational Methods
Personality, Competency, Skills
  • Group exercises
  • Theory
  • Educational games
  • Feedback and discussion in plenary
  • Communication in training processes
  • Creation of facilitator’s guides and running notes
  • Understand and discuss training approaches
  • Execution of own training section with video feedback
Use of Media
Personality, Competencies, Skills
  • Flip chart
  • Pin Board
  • Facilitator’s case
  • Educational games for face-to-face and online trainings
  • Learning Library
  • Interactive Whiteboard
  • Learning platforms and conference tools
Participant benefits and Learning goals
Content and procedure of the workshop

The participants

  • experience exemplarily the process from the clarification and needs assessment through to seminar evaluation, and receive a variety of practical instruments, tools and material for planning and conducting training and seminars.
  • can plan, design and conduct training independently and know which aspects must be taken into account.
  • experience themselves and their actions in front of groups and gain transparency about their own trainer behavior.
  • acquire and expand their professional, reflexive and personal competencies to be successful as trainers.

We recommend Train-the-Trainer interested parties to inform themselves about the workshop in a phone call with the Division Manager for Continuing Education. In this way, it can be clarified in advance whether corresponding expectations/wishes for the workshop can be fulfilled by the IIK and whether the IIK offer is the right choice.

Who will benefit from this workshop
  • Anyone involved in knowledge transfer wishing to give their seminars, presentations and trainings a sound basis
  • Anyone wishing to move towards a training career and to update their skills in planning and conducting professional workshops / trainings / seminars
  • Anyone wishing to reflect on, refresh, or professionalise their previous work as a trainer
  • Managers/consultants/HR managers wishing to expand their training methods and skills
  • Anyone curious and interested in the training profession

    Additional Information

    Course Level

    Special knowledge is not required. We recommend that those interested in the course have a telephone consultation with the head of the further education department in order to clarify expectations and goals in advance./p>

    Number of participants

    6 – 12 participants

    Financial Support

    To attend a train-the-trainer workshop at the IIK you can take advantage of the following funding instruments: Bildungscheck (Landesregierung NRW)

    Teaching staff

    The IIK Train-The-Trainer workshop will be held by two experienced trainers:Dr. rer. nat. Sabine Küsters Certified Trainer (PAS 1037) Consultant, trainer and business coach for communication in sales Trainer for presenting, communication, negotiation, team building, conflict management, management skills Languages: native German, proficient English (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English as Foreign Language), sound FrenchAndrew Porteous Personal Business Coach, Master in Neuro Linguistic Programming (DVNLP), CLTC Corporate Language Trainer Certificate Trainer for presenting, negotiation, time management, communication, intercultural communication, personal development

    Course Content

    40 units of 45 minutes each (8 seminar units per day), Meals are already included in the course fee of 85 EUR
    All information, documentation, media data, protocols and exercises will be managed using the “moodle” learning platform.The participants will receive a certificate after completing the entire 5-days workshop. The certification includes the presentation and conduction of a training sequence in front of the group and the trainer team. The contributions will be discussed and detailed feedback will be given. The IIK Head Office Continuing Education is committed to the code of professional ethics in continuous education of the „Forum Werteorientierung in der Weiterbildung e. V.” The certificate carries the signet of this organisation. For further information please refer to

    Additional Services

    The workshop in English will be held here: IIK Düsseldorf Eulerstr. 50 40477 Düsseldorf

    The workshop in German Language will be held here:

    Schloss Mickeln Alt Himmelgeist 25 40589 Düsseldorf (Himmelgeist)

    Application deadline

    Anmeldung möglich bis Erreichen der Höchstteilnehmerzahl oder bis zwei Wochen vor Kursbeginn, danach auf Anfrage.

    Target Group

    Prospective in-house or freelance trainers


    Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

    Our 5-day workshop starts daily at 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. There will be three main breaks during the day with refereshments. The workshop ends Friday at approx. 5 p.m. (after the certification ceremony).All information, documentation, media data, protocols and exercises will be managed using the learning platform “moodle”. The participants will receive their personal access code and all information on workshop venue and agenda with their confirmation of participation.

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    Kurs/Prüfung umsatzsteuerbefreit nach §4 Nr. 21 a) bb UStG

    Regular Price: 1,450.00 €

    Special Price 1,290.00 €