Integration courses
Living and working in Germany. Our integration courses help you to integrate linguistically and (inter)culturally into German society.
General integration course
Integration courses consist of a language course with 600 lessons and an orientation course with 100 lessons, in which knowledge about history, politics and culture in Germany is taught.
Intensive integration course
You can learn especially fast? In the Intensive Integration Course you can reach B1 level in 400 lessons. The orientation course comprises 30 lessons.
Youth integration course
Study in a group with young people between 18 and 26 years old and reach the B1 (or B1+) target level in 900 hours and 100 hours of orientation course. A first professional orientation is included.
Integration course from Modul 1 (NW-155) / Start: 04.03.2025
- Duration: 04.03.2025 - 24.09.2025
- Location: Eulerstraße 50, 40477 Düsseldorf
- Course hours: Morning // Mo - Fr: 09:00 - 13:00
- More Info: Complete program >>
- Exam Integration Course: Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (DTZ) >>
- Exam Orientation Course: Leben in Deutschland (LiD) >>
- Contact >>
Integration course from Modul 1 (NW-157) / Start: 01.04.2025
- Duration: 01.04.2025 - 24.10.2025
- Location: Eulerstraße 50, 40477 Düsseldorf
- Course hours: Morning // Mo - Fr: 09:00 - 13:00
- More Info: Complete program >>
- Exam Integration Course: Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (DTZ) >>
- Exam Orientation Course: Leben in Deutschland (LiD) >>
- Contact >>
Integration course from Modul 1 (NW-158) / Start: 05.05.2025
- Duration: 05.05.2025 - 21.11.2025
- Location: Eulerstraße 50, 40477 Düsseldorf
- Course hours: Morning // Mo - Fr: 09:00 - 13:00
- More Info: Complete program >>
- Exam Integration Course: Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (DTZ) >>
- Exam Orientation Course: Leben in Deutschland (LiD) >>
- Contact >>
Integration course from Modul 1 (NW-159) / Start: 03.06.2025
- Duration: 03.06.2025 - 19.12.2025
- Location: Eulerstraße 50, 40477 Düsseldorf
- Course hours: Morning // Mo - Fr: 09:00 - 13:00
- More Info: Complete program >>
- Exam Integration Course: Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (DTZ) >>
- Exam Orientation Course: Leben in Deutschland (LiD) >>
- Contact >>
No intensive integration courses planned
We are currently not offering any intensive integration courses.
If you are interested in a intensive integration course, please feel free to contact us.
No youth integration courses planned
We are currently not offering any new youth integration courses.
If you are interested in a youth integration course, please feel free to contact us.
The consultation and registration for the course takes place at our institute at Eulerstraße 50. A placement test will determine your language level.
We kindly ask you to make an appointment with us in advance. Please fill out the contact form below.
You can also contact us by telephone on +49 211 566 220 or send an e-mail to integration(at)
Please bring the following documents with you when you register:
- Eligibility / obligation to participate in an integration course
- Passport or identity card
If you are authorised / obliged to take part in an integration course, the BAMF will pay half of the course fees (€2.29 per teaching unit). The second half of the fees must be paid by the participant.
If you are in financial need, you can apply for a cost exemption, in which case the BAMF will pay the full course fees. Some authorisations / obligations automatically exempt from the costs.
We are a carrier for integration courses approved by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The spectrum of our offer ranges from youth integration courses to general and intensive integration courses for particularly fast learners.
Our courses meet the highest standards and are certified by the Quality Seal Association for Further Education.
Consultation hours
For a detailed consultation and registration, please come personally to our institute during consultation hours. Please call to make an appointment with us: +49 211 566 22-0
Contact persons
Kirsten Bieber

Svetlana Senin

Team leader administration of Integration & funded courses integration(at)iik-duesseldorf.deFatima Mohjazi-Metzler

Melanie Elmo

René Eßer

Our brochures for download
Perhaps you will find the information you need in our brochures. We have a catalogue of the IIK overall programme and short brochures on specific areas such as German as a foreign language, study or job preparation programmes, integration courses or further training for German teachers. Have a look!